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Population Transcriptomes Reveal Synergistic Responses of DNA Polymorphism and RNA Expression to Extreme Environments on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau in a Predatory Bird 期刊论文
Molecular Ecology, 2017, 卷号: 26, 期号: 11, 页码: 2993-3010
作者:  Pan SK(潘胜凯);  Tong-Zuo Zhang;  Zheng-Qin Rong;  Hu L(胡莉);  Gu ZR(谷中如);  Wu Q(吴琦);  Shan-Shan Dong;  Qiong Liu;  Lin ZZ(林蓁蓁);  Lucia Deutschova;  Li XH(李欣海);  Andrew Dixon;  Michael W.Bruford;  Zhan XJ(詹祥江)
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